Claire Olberding in On the Velvet Grass. Photo by Jingzi Zhao. 2024

Kemba Shannon in On the Velvet Grass. Photo by Jingzi Zhao

On the Velvet Grass, choreography by Andrea Parson. Photo by Jingzi Zhao

Carla Mann, Suzanne Chi. On the Velvet Grass, photo by Jingzi Zhao.

BTS on the making of our mini-film Smoke Nocturne. 2023

Suzanne Chi. 2023

BTS from filming How We Live. 2020.

BTS from filming How We Live, 2020.

Elizabeth Bressler. Still from short film Silt & Bone. 2020.

Rachel Slater, still from short film Silt & Bone, 2020.

Suzanne Chi, still from short film Silt & Bone, 2020.

Kailee McMurran in Unfolding. Collaboration with SubRosa Dance. 2018.

Unfolding. Collaboration with SubRosa Dance. 2018.

Unfolding. Collaboration with SubRosa Dance. 2018.

Rachel and Suzanne performing Tracey Durbin's The Servant. 2016. Photo by Lindsay Hile

Rachel and Suzanne performing Tracey Durbin's The Servant. 2016. Photo by Lindsay Hile

Rachel and Suzanne performing Memoirs, 2016. Photo by Lindsay Hile

Nicholas and Anna performing in Side by Side, work by Rachel Slater. 2015